Across A Wire

Sunday, September 24, 2006

Here's the church, here's the steeple...

"We had to say to ourselves: This is a symbol of our faith. Therefore, we'll spend the money that doesn't give one square foot of Sunday-school space, but as a witness to our faith we felt it was worth investing in."
I read this in an article in the Religion section of the Saturday Reading Eagle. It came from the Associated Press dealing with steeples and the poor shape most are in.
Shouldn't the people inside be the symbols and witnesses of faith? I've made the mistake plenty of times of asking people where they go to church at, readying my label if they dare mention the words Lutheran, Protestant or (uh-oh) if I would know the place or religion they were talking about anyway.
Let's try this....Question: Where do you go to church? Answer: You're looking at it.
Remember, dumb looks have always been free, and follow up with confidence the words the Lord gives you.

Cogburn and Lacy

Finally, after three weeks of being in a cage made for a gerbil circus, and a bit of procrastination...they're in a well-equipped house. Ever try to catch a chicken??

Friday, September 08, 2006

Happy Birthday Mom

Last night we went to the Crab Barn to celebrate Mom's Birthday. She's been craving some clams since the beginning of she normally does. Here's to having a great Mom!!

Monday, September 04, 2006

Keep It Simple...Sinner

My mood has changed a bit since I've been here. I went from being very excited about being here, to, ....I moved back in with my parents?! With this thought, and this action...I've been under attack...What am I doing here? Am I really sharing the Word with my parents? Am I actively seeking a I even want to? Do I worship the church, or Jesus? Am I telling people what they expect to hear from me? Was it really God that called me here?

All that I've said does not matter...."believe in the one he has sent" (John 6:29) You are influenced by the people you surround yourself with. I HAD to be stripped of everything.....the church family; the high I felt just being surrounded by the friends and the fellowship. It HAS been a test of faith. All that matters, all that can keep me high is my belief in Jesus. None of the things I've been stripped of can do it for me...just gotta believe.

Thank you to everyone who reads this...I love you.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Gracias Ernesto

For the past two days, my neck of the woods was invaded by the remains of Ernesto. Lots of rain, wind, and cool temperatures...nice!! Between Friday and Saturday, I was scheduled to run 26 miles...yeah right. I am dedicated, no doubt, but ummm, errr,, didn't happen. What did happen was a long day and a half of R-E-S-T....on the couch with Dad's homemade ham and bean soup, and a wet dog. Much like the day states, I will be LABORing tomorrow to make up for lost time.