Here's the church, here's the steeple...
"We had to say to ourselves: This is a symbol of our faith. Therefore, we'll spend the money that doesn't give one square foot of Sunday-school space, but as a witness to our faith we felt it was worth investing in."
I read this in an article in the Religion section of the Saturday Reading Eagle. It came from the Associated Press dealing with steeples and the poor shape most are in.
Shouldn't the people inside be the symbols and witnesses of faith? I've made the mistake plenty of times of asking people where they go to church at, readying my label if they dare mention the words Lutheran, Protestant or (uh-oh) if I would know the place or religion they were talking about anyway.
Let's try this....Question: Where do you go to church? Answer: You're looking at it.
Remember, dumb looks have always been free, and follow up with confidence the words the Lord gives you.
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