Ecclesiastes 3:11
"He has made everything beautiful in it's time....."
Hey Joe...the beauty that I created was here long before you were, and I know so much more about it than you could even fathom.
"He has made everything beautiful in it's time....."
Most Saturday mornings, I'm in front of the TV anxiously waiting for Bob Ross to come on, just so I can fall asleep again. However, I spent the best part of this day walking the trails by the river near the Carolina border. I did not take my camera with me, yet I saw many amazing sights that only God could create. From standing in awe at the foot of a waterfall, to walking a fallen tree much higher off the ground than expected...from sitting near the trail deafened by the river, to hugging some of the tallest trees I've seen. All the while enjoying the cold air and peaceful comfort of the mountains.
Wild at Heart- John Eldredge