Across A Wire

Sunday, July 29, 2007

This is Mii

Recently, Steven has acquired a Wii, and we've become gamers. Now, we're not living in mom's basement, and we both have jobs... but this has become a MAJOUR distraction!!! I haven't thought of skipping work, but sleep has become time that could be spent playing.
It's well justified considering this is an active game will wear you out.

Monday, July 23, 2007

Enfermo, parte dos

Finally, I'm on the other side of sick...thank you Jesus!! I have NEVER seen that much mucus, snot and other such nasties come out of one person, although I did enjoy having the raspy voice. More of a post later....gator.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

On being sick's July and I've come down with something. I thought my immune system was better than this!! I've been gradually getting better with some strange variations of wellness: flooding it out by drinking many gallons of water.....burning it out by eating some very spicy chipotle peppers....having hacking fits lasting more than a few minutes...end up feeling and sounding like a thirty-year/two-pack-a-day smoker.

Saturday, July 07, 2007

On the hunt

Ah yes....mushrooms!!! I do enjoy them....portabellas make a great substitute for meat, shittake is fun to say, and tastes just as good, and canned stems and pieces are good with anything. I've even known a few of us who have used them "recreationally".

With a love for them that I have, I went out exploring the wilds with my dige, and came back with some great footage. You can check out the rest here.

With three hours of foliage bliss came many mental pictures, including one iguanizard, and plenty of silence.